What will you get

Randomly generated text helps designers and typographers present a template as close to the real thing as possible to the evaluator. It is often the case that when designing, it is indicative of what a block of text will look like. That’s when it’s convenient to use the text generated by this generator, because simply putting “text text text” or other repetitive words creates an artificial visual symmetry and looks unnatural.

For whom For the managerial ring of the company – in the areas of marketing, service quality and processes, brand experience, who work on forming strategic visions and participate in making strategic decisions of the company
Location Physical
Duration 9 Hours + offline job
Group 15 Persons
Price Determined based on Company Assessment
Moderator Natia Jibladze, Nana Akhobadze
Activities Hours
Ideation Sessions
– Identifying company’s targeted emotions 3
– Creating company service mission statement based on the selected emotion package 2
– Designing company’s “10 Service Values” 3
– Linking the service mission to the company’s vision and mission statement 1
Service Mission Statement Report offline
– Summary of Ideation Session
– Implementation Action Plan